Goodbye Junior Year!
As the school year comes to an end, the only thing we have left are memories of both the good and bad moments. Some learn and become better and others decide to just chill and enjoy the last few moments of high school. For all incoming juniors here is some advice and experiences the class of 2019 would like to share.

“My junior year was the worst and best year. What I liked most is all the new people I got to meet and all the clubs I was getting involved in. What I hated the most was that it was really stressful and harder for everyone. My advice for the incoming juniors are to not procrastinate get good sleep and overall enjoy it because it goes by quickly. What I’m looking forward to senior year is all the fun activities and and getting accepted to colleges. 🙂 ” -Ana Banuelos

“My junior year has been a roller coaster. While it has been stressful, due to the rigor of classes and multitude of tests, I have enjoyed this year greatly. There have been so many memories made and friendships gained. For incoming juniors, just remember to not stress and DO NOT PROCRASTINATE!” -Omar Mata

“My junior year has been the most difficult and challenging year yet. But being with my friends made it better. I hated the stress and pressure. Some advice is get stuff done way before its due (to minimize the amount of stress) and you’ll thank yourself later. I’m looking forward to beginning a new chapter with my friends that made my junior year great!” – Berenice Sanchez

“Well this school year was pretty fun and easy. I just started paying attention in class and the school year went by pretty fast. The thing I hate the most was all the homework that I had. My advice to all incoming juniors is to do all their homework or else they’ll regret it. Faccttsss!!! For next year, I just honestly want to be able to get through it without so much stress but probably not cuz it’s senior year!” -Bijan Iadan
About the Contributors

Eldanabi Delgado, Reporter
Hi there, my name is Eldanabi but many people can’t pronounce it so they call me Nabi. I am a two-year PV cheerleader and I am also a part of Hiking...

Mitzi Aldana, Reporter
Hi! My name is Mitzi and I am so happy to be back in the Panther tales yet again for once last time! I am very passionate about taking pictures. It makes...