Valedictorian & Salutatorian
Our 2018 Valedictorian and Salutatorian has finally been announced! The Valedictorian is Erica Diaz and our Salutatorian is David Hernandez- Pinon. Some of you may not know what a Valedictorian and Salutatorian are. A Valedictorian ranks first in a graduating class, while a salutatorian ranks second. Out of 629 seniors they were ranked one and two. All their determination throughout high school has really paid off. Congratulations to these hard working students!
– What is your overall GPA ?
– How many AP and honor classes did you take throughout high school ?
-Who was your biggest role model /look up too ?
-Which teachers had the biggest impact on you ?
-What was your biggest motivation ?
-Did you ever imagine becoming valedictorian/ Salutatorian?
– What advice do you want to give the lower class men to help them out throughout high school?
“I have taken 8 AP classes and 2 Concurrent classes. Yes, these courses were challenging but I have always considered them as simply another step towards a positive path. I didn’t make it my plan to be valedictorian; I only had in mind to get good grades and set myself up for a better future after high school. I was inspired by my English teacher, Mr. O’Neal, to take pride in my accomplishments, encouraged by my Math teacher, Ms. Gomez, to challenge the status quo, and motivated by Mr. Wolstenholm, my AVID teacher, to put pieces of my life together again and take control of my own future. I’d also like to thank my family for supporting my end goal of going off to college. I’d also like to thank my friends for making always making my day with their sarcastic comments and ceaseless care. I don’t know what the future holds for me but I plan to succeed with diligence and my impenetrable aspirations” -Erica Diaz (Valedictorian)
“My total GPA weighted is a 4.29, and my current GPA is a 4.5. I’ve taken 10 AP classes throughout high school. Mr.O’Neal and Mr. Dodson have been some of the few rational adults I’ve met in my life. But not only that they are individuals that I admire as intellectuals. They posses vast knowledge and their logic is sound. However, Mr. O’Neal has been someone who has helped me personally and contributed towards my growth as an intellectual person. His guidance has been beneficial and the most impactful. Both have admirable qualities as people who I look up to. The thing that motivated me the most; I’m honestly not sure what my biggest motivation was. All I know is that I want to do something with my life; not just waste it. But I know when I have a passion for something I will thrive. My overall desire is to live a full life and have remarkable experiences; that is a lot of my motivation. When I found out I was Salutatorian I had already suspected it. At a certain point you just know if you are Salutatorian. But a lot of my friends and people who know me expected it too. But it’s still an honor to have earned it. A thing I’d like say to all younger class-men; it’ll always be important to work hard, and have a direction for what you’re working towards, but just remember to find something you enjoy doing too. Find a balance between work and self-fulfillment. Also, growing up I didn’t really have a role model. I mainly looked up to people from the past. Real people that have been through true hardship and have prevailed. Those with admirable and compassionate morals and ethics. That worked hard and inspired to a greater end. I aspire to be like a man from the greatest generation in a sense. A quality of individual I feel we all need.” -David Hernandez-Pinon (Salutatorian)

My name is Elizabeth Morales and I'm a Senior here at Pioneer Valley High School. I'm the Copy Editor and Clubs Editor for the Panther Tales which has...