PV’s Swim Vs. Righetti
On Tuesday the 24th also known as senior night, PV’s swim held its last meet of the season vs. Reghetti!

The reason I joined swim was to get better at water polo and get endurance. This meet is more important than the past ones because it’s our last one and I wanna show Reghetti who Pv is! My advice for the seniors next year is that although swimming is hard, if you give it your all it’s possible you’ll get better by the end of the season.

I joined swim because it’s my passion to swim and I get a lot of enjoyment out of the sport. This meet is one of the most important ones because it is our last one and we have to work harder than ever. I would advise the new swimmers next year to try out the sport and don’t give up no matter how hard it gets because in the end it’s all worth it.

I’ve been swimming since I was around the age of 11 so I thought swim would be the best option for me! this meet is more important than the past ones because its senior night. Were celebrating all of our seniors so everyone wants to swim fast for them. I would advice the new swimmers next year to listen when the coaches are talking to you and don’t mess around as much.

I Joined swim out of all sports because I joined water polo so I just fell in love with being in the water. This meet is really important because It’s senior night and I’m a senior so I feel the obligation to improve on everything since it’s my last time being home. I would advice the new swimmers to keep practicing and don’t mess around during practice. Instead the should try hard to improve every day.

I love swim because it made me see how it takes a lot of team work and therefore you become a family after a while. We really don’t judge one another but instead help each other out. This meet is special because it’s our senior night and one of our best swimmers, Candice, is leaving. We are all trying our hardest so she can feel proud of us. I would advice the new swimmers to take care of their bodies and not eat during meets.

Hi! My name is Mitzi and I am so happy to be back in the Panther tales yet again for once last time! I am very passionate about taking pictures. It makes...