Imagine… A Better World


Imagine… A Better World
Imagine no more death
You can do this
Imagine everyone caring about others
Imagine every Woman, Man, and child living their entire life with peace
People may say that i am a begging but i am actually dreaming
Imagine no greed or hunger
Imagine where there is no drama
Everyone in this world is wanting to Imagine this so please if you mind join
Imagine saving this precious planet
Imagine no harming our oceans, rain forests, and the life that inhabits these areas
Imagine not having to be afraid
Imagine no more war
Imagine no more sexism, prejudice, or racism
We don’t need violence because that’s not the answer to everything
Imagine no messing with other countries way of life
Imagine politicians caring about their countries and the people. And not use social media so much
Imagine doing what makes you you
All I want is no more threats from other countries, no more war, death, just being happy and having peace and harmony
Imagine all that.
But this ideal world won’t probably happen, who can dream, I can right?



This is what and who inspired me to think of this poem.