Listen Up World
Monday we had a lock down demonstrating what we should do if a school shooter was on campus. Some students didn’t take it seriously and others started talking about what they would do in that situation. Students asked questions and when it was over people went on with their day. During and after that process I was angry. I was angry that we were told to hide, run and fight so we don’t get killed on campus. So we don’t get killed at school we need to know these things and it’s upsetting.
Teachers are asked to do a lot. They’re asked to be psychologists and social workers on top of being an educator. Now they’re asked to be protectors and self-sacrifices for the students. Teachers don’t get paid enough for all of that and it’s ridiculous that as an educator they have to wake up for work every morning and just hope that it’s going to be a regular day. Teachers shouldn’t have to worry about whether or not there’s going to be a terrorist on campus. Parents should not have to worry if they’re going to see their kid by the end of the day. Students shouldn’t have to worry about their safety at school. And yet here we are. They tell us Guns don’t kill People. People kill People. But as far as I know it people with guns that kill people.
My generation is tired of seeing this happen over and over again. My generation has grown up watching these tragedies happen. From Sandy Hook to Parkland we’ve watched the same cycle over and over again. We cry, we mourn, send thoughts and prayers and then let the conversation die after a few weeks. The victims of Parkland are speaking out and being the voice of change. It’s very admirable. People my age have to take on this fight because the adults in power aren’t doing anything to protect us. The March for Our Lives movement isn’t going anywhere. Today we give those 17 minutes to the 17 students who died at Parkland in Florida. Today is about solidarity and showing people that this fight is real.
Nobody expects us to win this fight. But nobody thought that Protests against segregation would lead to desegregation. Nobody thought that protests against the Vietnam War would end the war. Nobody thought the protests for Women’s Suffrage would lead to women getting the right to vote. Nobody thinks us protesting for safer schools and gun control will lead to anything but it will. You’re making history right now. The world is watching. Register to vote. It’s the only real shot we have for making a change. Politicians have to listen to us if not they get voted out and lose their jobs. They’ll no longer have power. They should be the ones afraid not us.

Alasaundra Silva that's me. I'm a senior who feels like a senior citizen. I'm a person of many interests ranging from 2000s emo music to Sinatra. I thrive...