Your Voice Matters

Seniors you’re going to be 18 and that means you can vote but you can only vote if you register. Mid-Term elections are important and it is your right and duty as Americans to vote. If you watch the news and don’t like what you’re seeing remember you have the power to change it. Voting is the only sure way of making change in this country. Remember to vote for people who represent and stand up for the ideals that you believe in. Research the people you are voting for and make sure you get all the facts. If you don’t know which political party you stand with that’s okay. You can be undecided. Remember Mid-Term elections are important because decides who’s going to be in Congress. Here’s the link to register to vote:

Alasaundra Silva that's me. I'm a senior who feels like a senior citizen. I'm a person of many interests ranging from 2000s emo music to Sinatra. I thrive...