Career of the Week: Animal Biology
During high school there is a lot of pressure over students when it comes to looking for a career. Most students don’t know what to choose for a career and worry they will choose the wrong career. Others don’t really care whether they like their job or not, all they really care about is the money. There are the very few lucky students who love their career and get paid very well. Career of the week is to help students, no matter what grade, be a little more informed about the different careers out there so they can make a more informed choice based on not only intelligence, but passion and ability.
The career this week is Animal Biology.
In an animal biology career, students will learn about evolution, molecular biology, genetics and psychology. One can also be concentrated on being a vet. In animal biology you should be willing to get your hands dirty, because in order to succeed in this field you will work with local farmers and ranchers. If you prefer to treat pets, such as snakes, dogs, cats, birds, turtles, etc. you can work at a clinic for a while, garner some experience and possibly open up a clinic of your own (because who does not like to be their own boss).
You may be thinking “this is the career for me, but how do I get there?” In high school, take courses that really challenge your mathematics and science skills. Such as Algebra 2, statistics, and if possible even calculus. The science classes you should try to take are biology, chemistry, physics, and AP Bio.
Some of the best universities with these career areas UC Davis , Cal Poly, Cal Poly Pomona, and Fresno state. If you have questions concerning the universities, just go to:

Hi there, my name is Eldanabi but many people can’t pronounce it so they call me Nabi. I am a two-year PV cheerleader and I am also a part of Hiking...