As many of you may know Trump has been threatening DACA and has been wanting to remove it for good. DACA can’t be removed unless congress approves and has a different plan for the Dreamers. In 2012 there was already 1.39 million people registered for DACA, throughout the years the numbers kept on growing and now it is up to 1.76 million Dreamers registered. Has Trump thought about what he’s going to do with 1.76 million teenagers and adults that have registered to be someone in life here in this country, the country that their parents promised would give them a better future?
With Trump wanting to remove this protection for millions of dreamers he would have to pay for all of them to be sent back to their birth place. Which isn’t that over billions of dollars??? Where will he get all that money to deport all of them back?? Has he not had any sense put into him or is he just being an ignorant person and putting all these families in fear? Many want answers of why he’s doing this to immigrants especially to Hispanic families.
With this situation going on about Trump wanting to remove DACA for good, many are living in fear and don’t know what to do about this situation. Many people won’t have a place to live or a job and they will eventually run out of money if this program is ended. Has he thought about all those military men and women out there that have been working for his country that are under the protection of DACA. Has he thought about all those doctors and nurses that are protected by DACA also? Without them there would be less peopler helped with their medical conditions.
Q: What is your opinion on Trump still having things against DACA?
A: “My opinion on all this situation is that Trump is just being ignorant and he just doesn’t know what to say after all the accusations that have been made towards him. He is a person that doesn’t decide for himself and likes other people to decide for him. If I were the government I would’ve already kicked him out of presidency and put in a president that actually does know what he is doing. Trump doesn’t know the fear he is putting in all these Dreamers of them getting deported and not having any protection on them. If he wants to build a wall then he can, but there wont be a country that will help him pay billions of dollars to build it. This country has become a racist country and it’s all because of the president. Now every Hispanic person gets discriminated against because of their race and how they look and stuff, but everyone gets discriminated now a days.” -Vivian Garcia (12)
Q: Would you reprimand Trump for all the injustice he has been doing with the Dreamers?
A: “Of course I would reprimand him for what he has done throughout his presidency. He has been unfair with everyone and has created hatred in people towards him. If he would’ve kept things the way they were when Obama got out of the presidency none of the things that are happening right now would’ve happened. He has been ignorant and hasn’t wanted to open his eyes to see what he has done to the country with his negativity and racism to Hispanics and any other person that is not white. Everyone is equal and should be treated equal no matter your race, how you look, what your color is, what you wear, or how you speak; everyone is the same and should be treated the same no matter what. I was raised being equal to others no matter what their opinion is or what they believe in everyone is the same and everyone has a different opinion on things but shouldn’t be treated different because of it. If there’s nothing nice to say about other people then don’t say it at all” -Vanessa Garcia (9)
Q: Would you save DACA if you could and why?
A: “If I could save DACA I would because it’s a second opportunity given to all those children that came from a different place to have a better future. It’s also an opportunity for them to work for their own money and not have their parents give them money whenever they need it. DACA is an opportunity of second chances and its an opportunity that should be kept forever. I was declined by DACA and it’s a heartbreak and full of a lot of questions of why I got declined but that shouldn’t stop me, I still keep on trying and applying for scholarships. This shouldn’t stop anyone from making their dream come true. They should fight for that dream and never give up.” -Ofelia Marin (12)
Q: What does DACA mean to you?
A: “DACA means an opportunity of many chances given to many undocumented teens. I have learned from this experience that it’s very stressful and causes anxiety not having any answers from the department of immigration on if you’ve gotten accepted or not. I know because my sister applied for this program and all that the website says is that she got accepted, but has not received any documentation saying you’ve been accepted here’s your papers. This is very stressful and I hope DACA keeps on going for years and years.” -Carmen Valenzuela (9)

My name is Diana Valenzuela Garcia I’m one of your reporters for PVHS. I’m 17 years old. I’m a senior. I’ve been a reporter for 2 years and I...