3…2..1. Happy New Years
We finally made it to 2020, leaving behind all that is 2019. Let’s create something new and accomplish our goals. Thank 2019 for its lessons and embrace 2020s adventures and experiences that have yet to come. We brought together some students to ask how they celebrate, what they wish to achieve, who they want to be, and where they want to be in the future. Whether you cherish New Year’s or not it still brings a certain type of irresistible charm that you can’t deny. New Year’s is a chance to start over and become who you really want to be. Happy New Year’s from Panther Tales to you!
Q: What is your New Years Revolution for 2020?
A: My 2020 New Years revolution would that I will get better my grades from what I have now and also I would want to lose some weight as for my goal for next year.”
Q: What is your New Years Revolution for 2020?
A: “I want to become more flexible and in order to do that I’ll start stretching before I go to sleep and when I wake up I’ll stretch.” – Isaias Maldonado (11)
Q: How will you be spending your New Year this year?
A: “For this New Year my family and I will be heading to Mexico and when I get there all of my family will get together, so we will throw a party.” – Daniela Contreras (12)
Q: What is your New Year Revolution for 2020?
A: “I would probably join wrestling, try my best to get all A’s for all of next year. I guess I’ll try out to join cheer and I would want to be part of events that helps with the rallies and the football game too.” – Adam Cabatan (9)
Q:What is your New Year Revolution for 2020?
A: “I’m going to try and get better with my foot since I fractured my ankle, so hopefully I can play soccer again. I also want to lose weight and I’ll do that by eating more healthy.”- Alondra Rico (11)
Q:How will you be celebrating the New Year?
A: “I’ll be celebrating New Years by going to my Uncle’s ranch house in Nipomo. He goes all out since his backyard is like for venues and over all it will be a blast.” – Saray Gamboa (11)
Q:How will you be celebrating the New Year?
A: “I go to the beach with my family to watch the fireworks and have a good exciting time. That’s a funny question I don’t think anybody will know where they will be in 2040 but I hope I have a family. My resolution is to work on being kinder.” – Natalia Zacarias (11)
Q: How will you be celebrating the New Year?
A: ” My family and I do the traditional countdown and have a big party and eat my moms delicious food. I picture myself 20 years down the line having graduated from college and having a job in the medical field. My New Years resolution would be to stop procrastinating, it’s my worst habit and always sets me behind.” – Perla Guzman (11)
Q: How will you be celebrating the New Year?
A: ” My family has a huge party-I would have to say that I’d much rather stay home with family they’re a blast. My resolution would be to work on my music more. 20 years down the road I would hope to be financially stable by music and to have it be my main job.” – Carlos Contreras (12)
Q: How will you be celebrating the New Year?
A: ” My family makes a bonfire, cardne asada, we set off fireworks, do karaoke, and play games. In 2040 I would hope to have moved out of this town and to New York, it’s always been a dream of mine- just seems exciting. I don’t believe in making resolutions. People always think of it as something exciting and cool but I don’t, just go out and accomplish what you want. Don’t let resolutions make you push a side your goals-do it now.” – Ana Flores (11)

Hi! My name is Raven Harris and I am 16 years old. I am an outgoing person and I am stoked to be part of Panther Tales! I cannot wait to see what happens...