Gobble Gobble…… do you hear that? Thanksgiving is right around the corner waiting for us to devour everything on the diner table and expand our waist bands! We were curious to know what our peers were thankful for, as well as what they love to grub on during this holiday. We asked them what traditions they had or didn’t have-just a little insight to what awaits them for the holiday, perhaps you have something in common with them. Have a Turkeylicious Thansgiving!
“I am thankful for my family and everything that my parents do and sacrifice for me. Our thanksgiving tradition is going to my tía’s house that’s in Arroyo Grande, everyone in my family goes. She makes the literal biggest turkey you’ve ever seen, it’s impressive and hilarious how big it is. My favorite thanks giving food is turkey and ham- absolutely delicious.” -Andrea Aguilera (11)
“My thanksgiving tradition is that my whole family meets up at my grandmas house in LA. We makes tons of food, have a bonfire, and make hot chocolate. I am thankful for my family and always waking up to a new day. My favorite thanksgiving food would have to be mash potatoes and gravy- it’s the best.” -Debra (11)
” I am thankful for my family and everything that my mom does for me – she’s the hardest worker you will ever meet, and I love her for that. Our tradition is honestly just winging thanksgiving if I’m going to be honest, we make a last minute decision on who’s house we’re going to and who’s going to make or bring what – that’s what makes thanksgiving so fun for me, we’re very spontaneous and chaotic-it’s hilarious. My favorite thanksgiving food would have to be pumpkin pie and stuffing-my grandma and sister make them perfect.” -Malachi Chavez (9)
“I know that it’s basic but I’m very thankful for my family and all the time- good and bad, that I get to spend with them. We usually just meet at my house, stuff our faces, and watch football- it’s a good time. My favorite thanksgiving food is for sure turkey, I mean come on you can’t have thanksgiving without it.”- Ralph Salinas (9)
” My family isn’t really big on thanks giving so we don’t have a tradition, but I’m just thankful for all the food. We don’t ever make a turkey we usually have chicken as the main dish. My favorite thanksgiving food is cornbread it’s the best – period.”- Ange Rivas (11)
” I’m thankful for family, friends, and my glasses. Our tradition is coming over to my house and waiting for the food to be done, we watch football, play board games, and just have a good time. We don’t make traditional thanksgiving food so my favorite isn’t like turkey or stuffing- it’s tamales!”- Julian Rodriguez (11)
” I’m very thankful for just life in general. I love all the experiences and lessons that we get to learn, all the fun that we have. Our tradition is just like everyone else’s, just to prepare food together and enjoy our wonderful meal. My favorite food for thanksgiving is tamales- my mom makes the best, without a doubt.”- Noe Reyes (11)
” I’m am very thankful for the great family that I have and all the friends who are always there for me. Our thanksgiving tradition is very- well traditional, we just have family over to hang out, eat, and just enjoy one another company. I love talking to family that I don’t get to see much, they always have new stories for me. My favorite thanksgiving food is MASH POTATOES, how could love anything else, they are the absolute best.” – Angel Aguilar (11)
” For thanksgiving we make Mexican food like tamales and other good s. Our family tradition is we go to my house and gather around the table to talk and enjoy the food. My favorite dish is pozole.” -Emmanuel Munguia (11)
” My family tradition is to make all kinds of different dishes to enjoy. We all gather at my house to eat and celebrate. My favorite thanksgiving food is tamales.” -Iris Gomez (11)
” My family makes the traditional thanksgiving foods such as turkey, stuffing, bread rolls, etc. We don’t really have any other traditions other than coming together to eat. My favorite thanksgiving food is mash potatoes.” -Ozzie Gonzalez (11)
” We usually meet up at my grandmas house and she prepares the turkey while the rest of us bring potluck dishes. No traditions here other than eating of course. And my favorite thanksgiving food would have to be mash potatoes with corn- it’s delicious.” -Jessica Avila (11)
” We prepare all of the food at my house then take it to my grandmas. We make all the traditional foods, nothing too special. My favorite Thanksgiving dish is ham.” -Madison Hernandez (11)
” We all go over to my aunts house to cook carne asada and home made pastries as our tradition. We make birria and more home made meals like carnitas. My cousins and I bake a cake for the whole family, as well as apple pie. My favorite dish would have to be carnitas.” -Yesenia (12)
” My whole family gathers at my house to give thanks to the Lord and bless our food that my mom prepared for us. We make turkey, pumpkin rolls, and mash potatoes-just all of the basic foods. My favorite dish is mash potatoes.” -Emilio Medina (10)
” We all gather at my house to make tamales and other foods, not the traditional and norm. We don’t really celebrate thanksgiving all the time so I don’t have traditions. My favorite food is tamales.” -Bethel Lopez (10) Happy Thanksgiving! Enjoy Your Week Off!
Hello! My name is Michaela, and I am a junior. I enjoy photography and writing. I am very excited for this new experience and I look forward to working...