Peer Tutoring at PVHS
Having trouble in a class? PVHS has a something that can help.
Peer tutoring can help students in many ways, such as:
- Students receiving more one on one learning
- The interaction between students promotes active learning
- Students can be more comfortable when asking for help because it is among their peers.
Morning (Mon-Fri)
- 7:15-8:15
Afternoon (Tues-Thurs)
- 3:00-400
Peer Tutoring Coordinator:

Karen Apple🍎
Q: What are you excited about this year’s tutors?
A: “With this year’s tutors, we have more than last year. Last year we have 7 and now we have 15. We doubled out tutoring base. I think it provide a larger opportunity for more kids. We have more of a variety of academics that students can tutor in and I think these kids have a great heart to see kids succeed in a larger way.”
Brendalin Hernandez📐

✏ Brendalin is one of our peer tutors here at PV. The subject she specializes in is Math.✏
Q: How do you feel you’ve helped students?
A: “I feel I’ve helped students because they get to understand the materials that I’m teaching them. It teaches them a different way to figure out the problem, instead of using the format that their teacher gave them. They get too see different forms to figure [the problem] out.”
Arnulfo Bravo📐

✏ Arnulfo is another on of our PV peer tutors. The subject he specializes in is Math, mainly Algebra 1 ✏
Q: Why did you decide to be a peer tutor?
A: ” I decided to do peer tutoring mainly because I wanted to help students. Because sometimes students can’t understand or don’t really connect with the teacher [on a subject] and when they hear [the problem] from a peer, they feel that they can understand [the subject] better.”
Damian Magana📐

✏Damian is another on of our PV tutors. He specializes in the subjects: Math, History, Science, and English.✏
Q: Why did you start peer tutoring?
A: “I was already helping kids an students in my classes, so I decided to get paid while doing it. But honestly, I wouldn’t mind not getting paid at all, I just like peer tutoring. I like how I help other kids [understand a subject].”
Other Information:
If you didn’t know Peer Tutoring is now a paid position:
- Students have to apply for the tutoring position
- They do screen potential tutors
PV Staff feels like paying students can be a benefit because:
- It provides for students that academically inclined to make some money
- Great incentive to bring in to become potential tutors
- Great opportunity for kids to work while at school

Hey everyone, my name is Ashley. I am a senior this year. This is my first year in Panther Tales. I am very excited for to have new experiences this year...