Many of you might not know this but it’s Mr. Howard’s last year teaching yearbook/Panther Tales. It might not be a big thing but for the students who had him for 2 years, which is most of us, but it is. Therefore, thank you for teaching us so much these two last years even in yearbook and digital arts. You’ve been the best teacher/ adviser anyone can ask for. It’s sad that you’ll be leaving yearbook and handing it over to Mr. Dearborn but we wish you nothing but the best while you teach digital arts and mechanical drawing.
“I’ve had Howard for 2 years and his class has been fun overall, mostly in second period because all we do is eat food. I wish nothing but the best for him he deserves it for being a fun adviser for yearbook. I appreciate that he gave me so much life advice for my future. I can say he was my favorite teacher he made my 2 last high school year good ones.” – April Valdez“I’ve had Mr. Howard for 2 years now and I honestly can’t thank him enough for his support and everything he’s taught me. It sucks that it’s his last year teaching year book I feel like no one else has the passion for teaching yearbook more than him. So Mr. Dearborn has some big shoes to fill!” – Cindy Velazquez“I’ve know Howard for 2 years now. At first I wanted to drop his class the first year lol but now I don’t regret it all. We took a lot of fun tips and bonded as a class/club. His class taught me how to write better due to journalism. Good-luck teaching only digital arts & mech draw. Also best wishes to Mr. Dearborn who will be taking over.” – Liz Ramirez“I met Mr.Howard last year and I had him for two classes. I was first introduced to him in journalism and I was going to drop the class but hearing more about the class I stayed and now I’m president of the club. With this being Mr. Howard’s last year as an adviser I am super bummed but glad because it’s my senior year. He did so much for the club and had great ideas and I can truly say this yearbook wouldn’t be what it is without him. Going to miss Howard and his toe shoes.” -Mariah A“I think Howard’s last year of year book was one of his best though the daily panther tales wasn’t so daily the year book came out super strong we did a white cover that’s never been done before and I think the end product looks super good a great way for Howard to end his run creating the school year book. He will definitely be missed but I’m sure he’ll still be putting in a couple days into next years yearbook helping out Dearborn.” _ Charlotte I
Hi ! My name is Lizette Ramirez but my everyone calls me Liz. This is my Senior year and my 2nd year in Panther Tales. This class made me open up, talk...