Spicy Noodle Challenge

Certain PVHS teachers were selected to have a jar in their classroom to raise money for the people affected by Hurricane Harvey in Texas and Hurricane Irma in Florida. The first-place winner for raising money was Mr. O’Neil with $105. For the spicy noodle eating challenge, Mr.Ilac took the win for first place. The Santa Maria Saints, Righetti Warriors, and Pioneer Valley Panthers all worked together to have $1,500 to donate to the ones affected by the Hurricanes.

A: Well it came in stages, the top part where it first started it was like 4 or 5 but then you got to the bottom where all the sauce was and everything it was a seven. Then the after math was a 10 and the only thing that is helping is the ice-cream.
Q: What was your game plan for winning this challenge?
A: My plan was put it all in there, swallow it, and deal with the consequences later. Which I am now, as of being done for 15 minutes now my mouth is still on raging fire. My whole idea was this fat guy can eat a lot of food so, I’m just going to shove it down my throat and deal with it later; that was my plan.
Q: What was your reaction when you got the email for the challenge?
A: I figured since I deal with a lot of the seniors, seniors usually being the ones who are most involved with fundraising and things on campus. So I thought it was pretty probable that I was going to get picked because more than half the classes I teach are seniors. I just felt like, it’s probably going to happen so when it happened I was just like “Alright. Let’s do it. Let’s go.”
About the Contributor

Andrea Meza, Reporter
Hey there! My name is Andrea Meza, but you can call me Drea. I’m a senior here at Pioneer Valley High School. AND I really like pineapples.🍍...