This Week’s Pride Card Winners
This Week’s Pride Card Winners:
Marc Cabeliza, recognized by Mr. Enns for helping students in class; Andrea Domingues, recognized by Ms. Maldonado for helping other students in class and Elias Montes for improved attendance in Mrs. Quintana’s class.
All gift cards are donated from the PVHS Booster Club. Pride cards are awarded by staff members to students who choose to do the right thing. We encourage students to act in a way that demonstrates Panther PRIDE.
P- Positive
Do you have a great attitude? Do you never give up? Are you prepared to learn?
Are you responsible? Do you respect others and take pride in your school?
Are you honest, accountable, and do the right thing?
Are you determined, have a desire to succeed and do you always do your best?
Do you engage in learning, encourage others and give 100% effort?
These are the traits of true Panther. Congratulations to our PRIDE card winners of the week!