Ways to Boost Your Confidence


Having confidence in yourself can transform your view of life. It gives you a positive outlook and gives you self-assurance that you are enough. Everyone should have confidence in themselves, but it may be hard for some to try to find it. Personally, I feel like having a break from social media and staying away from electronics is very helpful. It gives you a chance to reflect on the things you love about yourself. Never should you compare yourself to others, because that brings one’s self-confidence down.

Everyone is special and has something different to bring to the table, so you shouldn’t have to feel self-conscious about yourself. If you’re feeling beaten up and stressed, take a break, mentally and physically. Your well-being should always come first because you are important. Try to think more positively and don’t let one small mistake let you down. If you find yourself losing confidence, try to uplift yourself with self-assurance and change your thoughts into something happier. Tell yourself you can reach your goal, instead of “I can’t.” It may be difficult to get into that growth mindset, but if your ever catch yourself thinking negatively, try to think differently.

A big part of our society today is conformity. We try to change and do what other people are doing in order to fit in. But if what you’re doing doesn’t embody who you are, then should you really be doing it? Embrace yourself and be proud of the kind of person you are. If you aren’t comfortable with yourself or your body, try changing things up so you see yourself in a more positive way. That being said, I hope this article helps you find ways to love who you are and become your most confident self!

Briana Ramos: “I gain confidence from my friends. They are constantly giving me love and support for anything I do, even if I make the worst mistakes. I recommend that people find those kinds of people in their lives. To surround themselves with positivity and start their days off with a mantra. Every morning, I tell myself “today is going to be an amazing day and here’s why: because you’re you, and that’s enough.” That is my mantra. Confidence is so important because it can lead to the most amazing experiences in your life. Opportunities that seemed impossible can be within reach. And memories that last a lifetime can be made.” (11th)
Noe Ambriz: “For me, a lot of the confidence I gained as a person I got from performing ensemble, supporting characters, and this year I got two leading roles [in the plays/musicals at school]. With all of these roles, you have to have some type of confidence because you’re on stage, and being on stage, you have to be big and sure of yourself, or else it won’t look good. And with all of that practice of having to be someone else confidently, it stuck with me personally” (11th).
Leslie Flores: “Try not to listen to what other people say. Be unique about things and don’t follow what other people do. When you have confidence, it lets you perform better on tasks. Having confidence also allows for a person to have good self esteem” (11th).
Saray Brown: “So what helps me to be confident is listening to the type of music that makes me feel like myself like Beyoncé or a good throw back, Bo$$ from Fifth Harmony. But what really helps is to actually tell myself that I’m doing really well at something or that I’m amazing. With others, I’d say the first step is to actually start telling yourself compliments about little things or try to believe in yourself. I know a quick confidence fixer is to dress up nicely and make yourself look good. Being confident is important because it lets you want to face the world in a more positive way. When you’re not confident enough, you don’t have such an optimistic outlook on everything and it’s really important to do so in this day and age” (11th).
Angelica Martinez: “Not caring what other people’s opinions are is what would help people become confident. More advice I would give others to boost their confidence is posing as a superhero for one minute.” (11th).