Band Prepares for Washington D.C.

Our very own “Fantastic” band is extremely honored to have been nominated by Mayor Alice Patino to not only represent Pioneer Valley High School but Santa Maria and California as well in a national parade in Washington D.C.!! These Panthers will be going to Washington D.C during May, but in order to get there they have organized some fundraisers to help them raise enough money to cover any and all expenses. They have worked concession stands for athletic teams, a firework booth, held rummage sales and continue to sell sponsorships that are placed on band t-shirts. The band would really appreciate it if their fellow classmates would help them out in any way. Every penny counts! Let’s hear some of the excitement from some of the most talented musicians out there!
“I feel very excited; the only obstacle would be money but I think we can do it. It’s so cool to be representing California!! The drum majors have been really helpful and our shows are really improving!!”
–Eduardo Ruiz Morales (12)
“I feel very honored to have been nominated by our mayor to represent California. In order to get there, we will have fundraisers like sponsor T-shirts, recycling and donation boxes during our home football games. And if students would like to go above and beyond they can donate some money at the business office”
–Ms. Wehlander
“I’m very excited for May to come. This is a great opportunity and I really like how we get the chance to represent Santa Maria and California. I’m very happy to be a drum major this year and I hope to make our band even better!!”
–Derald Bolusan (11)

Hi there, my name is Eldanabi but many people can’t pronounce it so they call me Nabi. I am a two-year PV cheerleader and I am also a part of Hiking...