Senior Expenses
Senior year is the most exciting year, but it can get pricey. From sweatshirts to grad week, the prices add up.
Listed below are some of the things you can expect to be purchasing this year.
All of these expenses add up. At the end of the year, you could expect to have spent around $2300. Even if you don’t attend Grad Week or the Senior Disney trip, there are still a few other things that can cost you a big amount of money. Now, if you’re wondering if spending money on these things are worth it, the answer is definitely for the yearbook!! (we might be a little biased) Senior year should be the most memorable year of your high school experience and is what you will remember your youth by.
Don’t forget to buy your yearbook by tomorrow, January 31st!
Hello:) My name is Porch. I look forward to showing you guys the inside of pvhs.