Mexico Gas Problems
Mexico has had a problem with gas theft for years. People in Mexico use personal vehicles as their number one way of transportation but many gas stations are running out of gas. To get gas people have to wait for hours at the gas station because the lines are so huge. Many people get more than they need to sell it at a higher price. People have gotten desperate and are looking for other ways to get gas. The president says he is currently taking action to solve this problem…
On January 18, 2019 a pipe exploded in Mexico and has left 94 people dead and others that cannot be recognized. Thieves had ruptured the central pipeline of Mexico to find gas. And once they hit it the pipe burst and started spraying gas. Soon after calls were made and cars and people started showing up in groups and with their empty gallon bottles in order to fill them up. But soon afterward the fuel caught fire and the carnage ensued.

Empty Gas Stations in Mexico (No Gas)

Hiiiiiii! My name is Stephany Bribiesca and I am a senior here at PVHS. I love the color blue. I am 17 years old. My favorite candy is Xtremes. I love...

Hi! I am Claudia and I am a senior. I love to photography and I am happy to be in Panther Tales!