February 3, 2019, The New England Patriots are going against the Los Angles Rams at Superbowl 53. Who are you rooting for this Superbowl? We asked a couple of our Panthers who they are rooting for and why:
“I’m rooting for the Rams because I think their defense will be able to shut down Brady from throwing the ball. I think the Rams’ offense has enough players to win. It’s going to be a good game. At the end, I think the Rams will win with 10 extra points. -Edwin Romero (12)“I want the Rams to win because if they win, Fairchild will let us use our notes on all the chapter tests.” -Nathalia Zacarias (10)“I’m really hoping that the Rams beat the Patriots this weekend. The Pats are ridiculous, they’re always in the Superbowl and it would be funny if they get destroyed. I think the outcome of the game would be interesting because they’re both really good teams and wont give up without a fight. I really do think the game will come down to the last wire.” -Andrew Gutierrez (12)“This super bowl I want the Rams to win! The Patriots are a tough team, but I always go for the underdog. I believe the teams that are going into the super bowl could’ve been different, *cough cough* Saints vs Chiefs, but what can you do. I am just looking forward to hanging out with family and talking smack about both teams and eating good food. But yes, I want the rams to win.” -Mariah Silva (12)“The Rams should win because Tom Brady shouldn’t be able to win another ring. I think its time for the Rams to get a ring.” -Xavier Lopez (10)
Hi!, my name is Cindy Velazquez, I am 16 years old, and I am a new reporter for The Panther Tales! I enjoy going on hikes and I am a member of The Pvhs...