What is your favorite Chirstmas movie?

Christmas is coming up and Christmas movies are playing everywhere like on TV, Netflix, and etc. Christmas movie are always good to watch when ever. One of my favorite movies is Home Alone the one with the real Kevin in it. This movie will forever be one of the best Christmas movie made.

“One of my favorite movies is The Polar Express. It’s a really good movie to watch with siblings or any family members.”-Angel Rodriguez (11)
“A Christmas movie I like is The Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer. This a classic movie It’s one of my favorite. -Enrique Moreno (12)
The Grinch who stole Christmas is my favorite Christmas movie. I like this movie because it doesn’t get boring every time I watch it.”- Katherine Guzman (10)
Elf would be my favorite Christmas movie. It’s really funny to watch.” -Tanya Garcia (12)