Many people have different meaning for different thing. Christmas is the time to spend with the people you love and care about the most. It’s the time to enjoy the last few days before entering a new year.
Q; What’s the meaning to Christmas to you?
“I think the meaning of Christmas is to spend it with your family. To just be all together and enjoy the holidays. Christmas is a time of joy and happiness.” -Julio Quezada (12)“The meaning of Christmas to me is an opportunity where everyone comes together as one whole family. Where there’s laughter, love, and joy just seeing everyone smile and be happy.” -Luz (10)“Christmas to me means spending time with those who are close to you! It’s the only time of the year I get really excited about. It’s not about the gifts, It’s enough to be able to spend it with my parents.” – Brittany Rodriguez (12)“Christmas means giving . To me giving presents shows how I love my friends and family. Lastly, just hanging out with loved ones is always a good time.” -Paris Lua (9)“Christmas to me means that friends and family comes together, sit down and eat a lot of food! Also appreciating them by giving gifts.” -Joe Gomez (12)
Hi ! My name is Lizette Ramirez but my everyone calls me Liz. This is my Senior year and my 2nd year in Panther Tales. This class made me open up, talk...