PVHS Students’ Life with Pets!

Pets are friendly pals that and we are their lifelong companions. They love and care for you with a passion. After a long, hard day, you can always come home to your pet and make you feel better. Pets are members of your family whether it’s a dog, cat, bunny, etc and they want to protect and keep you safe because you mean a lot to them just as they mean a lot to you.

Aislinn Mase’s (11) dog, Buddy: “I have 16. There’s 4 dogs, 4 chickens, 3 lizards, 2 cats, 2 guinea pigs, and a tortoise. (I like) that they don’t talk like my siblings. I like how animals love you unconditionally no matter how bad of a person you are”
Carissa Minera’s (11) dog and cat, Bugsy and Echo: “[I have] 1 cat and 1 dog. My cat is an outdoor cat, and he is calm. My dog gets excited when you come home. They are so playful, adorable, and calm”
Noe Ambriz’s (11) dog, Bamboo: ”I have one dog he is a husky and his name is bamboo. I like how much he acts like a human like how he gets mad when we don’t take him on walks. A pet to me is another family member that gives love and gets love.”
Mrs. Ogren, English teacher, and her dog Moose: “yes I have one dog. I like that she helps me remember to play and have fun. Pet is the reciprocal of unconditional love.”
Saray Brown (11): “I have 2 dogs, a turtle, and a bird. I like dogs because they cuddle with me and protect me, but the turtle and the bird bites me. Pets are domestic animals”
Anna Flores (12) and her turtle, Gibbie
Kattie Zabala (9) and her cat, Rose
Kihabet Alcorta (11) and her dog, Orejitas