It’s High School, many people worry about their appearance, but what’s worse than having a bad hair day or bad outfit? Waking up with a big red zit on the middle of your forehead!
-There’s several reasons why people breakout but here’s a few of the many reasons:
Being under stress
Not drinking enough water
Not washing your face (dirt stays on your face from all day)
Sleeping with makeup still on
Pores get clogged
Having a really oily face
I interviewed the following people and this what they had to say about their skin care routine:
“What I do to keep my skin clear is drink water , at least a gallon and a half a day, I exercise so my pore glands don’t get clogged. I don’t eat junk food because that what causes breakouts. I take vitamins. I also wash my face with Neutrogena, I’d say that’s pretty much it. Although its pretty much genetics.”-Danny Castro(12)” I try to exfoliate my face 2 or 3 times a week. From time to time I use nose strips. I moisturize my face everyday with a moisturizer. When I wear makeup I always make sure to wash my face at night to take of all the makeup I had on. I also unclog my pores. That is basically all I do. I don’t use any oils or anything. “(12) Fatima Chavez
“I start off my mornings by taking a shower so I wash my face, then before applying makeup I use a moisturizer and primer then when I take off my makeup I wash my face again, I apply moisturizer again and use vitamin E oil. I use acne prevention soap for my face but also I watch what I eat, I rarely eat nuts, chocolate or chips. One tip is take care of your skin like it’s your baby so that being said , don’t pop pimples because they leave scars and remember to wash your face and hands.” (12) Gigi Anguiano” What I usually do is wash my face with charcoal face wash and warm water. Afterwards I put on Hazel Witch toner . Then I apply moisturizer for oily skin and finally I put on eye cream. One tip I would like to give is DON’T sleep with makeup on!”(10) Ruth Moran
My name is Stephanie Leon. I'm a senior at Pioneer Valley and I am 16 years old. My favorite color is pink and I love animals. I have 3 dogs which I adore....