It’s seems crazy that the class of 2019 has reached their senior year, there is still a ways to go, but this is how there high school experience has been so far:
“My overall experience throughout high school was okay. I didn’t really take it serious the first couple of years but I realized my junior year that I got to actually do this. I’m enjoying my senior year now with good people.” Issac Santana“My overall experience in High school was a very well spent with my main best friends! I will most definitely miss High school and all of my teachers that have helped me throughout my years in High school. But what I can say is enjoy your last year because graduation will be here before we know it.” – Selissa Rosas
“My overall rating on my high school experience is probably a 9/10 because the school can do better on the lunch they give us, we should also be able to buy the drink Arizona that would probably get my rating up to a ten, but other than that the school is good.” -Elijay
“My overall rating from 1-10 would be an 8.5 Its crazy how fast my senior year has been passing by but it’s been fun and exciting. New adventures will soon be here.” -Karen Castaneda
Hello!!! My name is Gissel Tadeo and I'm a senior at Pioneer valley. This is my first time doing this but I'm excited to have this experience and I cant...