If You had the World’s Attention what would You Say?

Adriana Alvarez” I would tell the world to be yourself because being yourself is better than being fake. I would say this because people need to see themselves for who they are not who they want to be. I personally believe that you express yourself better when you are yourself because you can be happier as the person you are destined to be. Everyone is beautiful no matter the flaw.” (11)

If you had the worlds attention what would you say?  Would you spread positivity or would you express your feelings to the world?  Would you waste this opportunity or would you use it wisely?

Shakira Sierra: ” I would probably tell the world to take better care of the earth, our earth is slowly dying and it won’t be the same in a couple of years if we don’t change things now.” (11)



















Stacy :” Live your life as much as you can because if you don’t, you will soon start regretting just sitting down doing nothing, trust me, I learned it the hard way, my little nephew passed away two years ago and I regret not showing him the love I had for him, I would sometimes play with him but then I wouldn’t when he would want to, I learned to never take life for granted because you never know what will happen next in your life.”(9)
Angel Rodriguez :” I would tell the world that they should live the life they want, not live a life they are forced to live.”(11)