Football Players Take a Knee
Football players have been kneeling in protest of police brutality and some people find it disrespectful towards the flag and the military. But the U.S army football team all took a knee in unity. So, will our panthers take a knee during the national anthem or the pledge. Everyone has their own opinions on certain things but do they really know what they are doing or what they are believing in. I believe that there have been many inequalities in this world that if everyone got together and joined arms just like the professional football players did it would be a way to show that we do care and we are united. This is a way to show that no one in this world would be taken down for doing what they believe in they are in their liberty to express what they think.
Q: Would you take a knee during the national anthem/ pledge? Why or why not?
Q: If any of our football players or students took a knee during the national anthem or pledge during a football game or a rally would they get disciplined? Why or why not? (Mrs. Herrera) (Mr. Dickenson)
A: “In high school they are not going to be disciplined, I think that the expectation is for students to be respectful during the pledge and the national anthem. But, religious beliefs or personal statements if they were to kneel they are not going to be disciplined from a school stand point. I think that the biggest thing from a school stand point is to have a discussion of how they’re feeling and why. I think there’s ways students and athletes make a statement but doesn’t have to be in dishonoring or disrespectful way. You’ve seen say the professional athletes now most of them are just joining arms but being respectful by standing. And the joining of the arms is kind of showing a respect for the flag, the country, and the principles but yet show solidarity that hey we want to bring attention to the fact that we want kind of a reflection upon these practices. No, I don’t think that would be the case I’m sure that you may have some people that would look at that as hey what’s going on. But that’s never been preached or said” – Vice Principle Mr. Dickenson
A: “No they will not get disciplined I feel like our job in high school is to make sure that you kids are getting informed and are making educated dissections. I feel like as young people part of growing up is learning. What kind of things do you care about or what kind of things do you feel like you believe in. That’s part of growing up. I want the school to be a place where you’re able to learn about things and to really know why you’re making certain decisions. So, no one would get disciplined” Principle Mrs. Herrera

My name is Diana Valenzuela Garcia I’m one of your reporters for PVHS. I’m 17 years old. I’m a senior. I’ve been a reporter for 2 years and I...