After Nickolas Cruz, a Parkland High School student opened fire injuring 34 people and killing 17, there has been a debate weather letting teachers have firearms on campus or not. What do you think? Will you feel safe? Do you think it’s a good idea?
I think that teachers being armed is not only a bad idea, but I feel that it’ll bring a lot of tension to the class and personally I would feel unsafe knowing that there is a firearm at reach. Let’s see how your fellow Panthers feel:
Angel Mendoza : ” I think that it’s unsafe unless they have proper training. I would also feel uncomfortable, only authorized personal should be able to have them on school grounds.” (10)er Nickolas Cruz, a Parkland High School student opened fire injuring 34 people and killing 17, there has been a debate about letting teachers have firearms on campus or not. What do you think? Will you feel safe? Do you think it’s a good idea?
Edwin Romero : ” I think that’s a really bad idea because I feel like as a student, we should feel safe enough with the security that we have at school. I don’t think that there’s a need for teachers to be armed.” (12)
Mr. Eckardt : “I personally wouldn’t feel comfortable carrying a Firearm. I’ve never held a firearm in my life so I wouldn’t feel comfortable doing that while I’m at work. I became a teacher to help young teens and teach them things, not carry a gun. I’m not sure how I feel about ALL teachers carrying a gun, maybe only some but only if they get the correct training and get properly trained. (teacher)
Luis Esparza ” I think that as long as teachers are taught to professionally work a weapon there should be no problem at all.” (11)
Hello, my name is Celeste and I am a senior. This is my second year in Panther Tales. You will probably see me around school taking pictures or at games....