Peer Tutoring!

Have you heard about the new peer tutoring program? Mrs. Leal was the brain behind this incredible idea. Students get help on a subject that they struggle in by someone that highly knows the subject.  Avid seniors get credit for Allan Hancock College which is 60 hours for 1 credit.  “Well we are just getting started. Kids are motivated to get help and  it’s not forced. Students who want to stay on track use peer tutoring rather than just talk to a teacher they don’t know.”- Mr. Dickinson. Another teacher said ” Students record hours by scanning their ID card in the library. Mrs. Apple helps to coordinate it. Also only senior avid students are tutoring to get a point for college.”- Mrs. Ogren

“Its a new program we are kicking off! It’s called peer tutoring started this year. There are at least 19 senior tutors. Assistance will be pair by Mrs. Leal.”
“I feel that this program is great. It’s great that Avid seniors are reaching out to those who need help. I’m glad I can be part of this new peer tutoring program.”- Fatima Chavez(11)
“We saw that regular tutoring wasn’t that effective. Students weren’t asking that much for help from teachers; we proposed that students help instead. Students that need help are referred by their counselor or teachers”-Mrs. Leal