JV VS Frosh Football Scrimmage Game
On Thursday the 16th, the JV football team defeated the Freshmen in their first scrimmage game of the year. The JV team was only able to score one touchdown throughout the whole game. The Freshmen team wasn’t able to score any touchdowns. By the end of the game, the score was six to nothing with JV team taking the win! Next Freshman game is Thursday the 23 so come out and support your panthers!
About the Contributors

Victoria Abadia, Reporter
Hey there! My name is Victoria and I am a junior at Pioneer Valley High School. This is my first year being apart of Panther Tales. I am very excited because...

Celeste Guerrero, Editor
Hello, my name is Celeste and I am a senior. This is my second year in Panther Tales. You will probably see me around school taking pictures or at games....