Ms. Montanez Wins The Price is Right
Ms. Montanez: “It was a very fun and exiting day but it was also exhausting because you’re there the whole day. You don’t randomly get chosen to be part of The Price is Right. The way that you would most likely get chosen is being really loud and hyped, the more attention you draw to yourself, the greater the probability that they will pick you to participate.”
Ms. Montanez didn’t only win groceries for a year, a dinning room table and chairs and a china set, she also got a chance to spin the wheel. As the wheel was spinning she sent a “Hello” to her son and daughter, her Scratch Café class, which is a Cafe ran by students that make and serve meals to the Pioneer High School staff. Ms. Montanez also sent a “Hello” to Ellen Degeneres, they go way back. After the wheel stopped spinning, she ended up winning $1,000 and the chance to go to the showcase show down. At the Showcase Showdown she was the closest one to guessing the price and became the big winner, winning a washer, a dryer, a robotic vacuum, a google home, a trip to St. Lucia and a brand new Mercedes-Benz! She was so overwhelmed with excitement after she won all those prizes that she just ran across the stage to get in her Mercedes. What an experience!

Hello, my name is Celeste and I am a senior. This is my second year in Panther Tales. You will probably see me around school taking pictures or at games....