Is America the Best Country in the World?
This past week the PT’s ran a survey asking our readers if they thought the United States of America is the best country in the world. The response was dead even 50/50. 50% said yes and 50% said no.
I think our country is very divided in general. From gun control to immigration and much more we’re on two different playing fields. America is not the best country in the world and you could argue all you want about how we have freedom and guns but that doesn’t make us the best. America has sinned against its own people since the beginning. Built on the backs of slaves and the genocide of the native people. But I get it America needed it to survive right? And you can say well that was then and America is different and better now. This country strives to be the best but it’s not. I’m grateful to be an American and it’s better than a lot of other countries but it’s not the best. We’re not the best in education, health care, and the safety of its people. How many mass shootings have there been in just this year alone? There’s inequality in this society that claims we’re all equal. It’s tragic America isn’t the best when it should be.

Alasaundra Silva that's me. I'm a senior who feels like a senior citizen. I'm a person of many interests ranging from 2000s emo music to Sinatra. I thrive...