Seven of our senior football players played in the All Star game this past Saturday and beat the Northern All Star team 28 to 14!! The game was held in Atascadero. The seven seniors that got selected to play in the all star game are: Ivan Zepeda, Erick Santillan ,Juan Guzman, Junior Hoobery, Jonathan Salazar, Nathaniel Willis and Mathew Garcia. They have been practicing everyday since May 27th at St. Joes for about two hours. All seven rivalry football teams join together as one to compete against the Northern All Star team. The seven schools are: Pioneer Valley, Santa Maria, Lompoc, Santa Ynez, Cabrillo, St.Joes, and Righetti High school. The head coach is Dan Ellington from Santa Maria High School. Great job boys!
Questions asked:
-How does it feel to be selected on the football All Star team to represent Pioneer Valley High School? Were you surprised to be selected ?
-What’s your advice for the younger class men to try and get selected on the All Star team as well?
– What position do you play ?
-Do you guys practice everyday and how long have you been practicing for ?
-How does it feel practicing with other players from different schools ?
“It feels amazing to be selected for the FCA All Star team and even better to represent our school in a good way. I was surprised but also glad because I felt that I worked really hard this last year and I deserved it. Some advice I’d give younger class men would be to work hard and be a good student athlete. I play middle linebacker. We have been practicing everyday since Saturday , and every practice is about two hours. It feels really weird to be with other football players that are equally as gifted or better than you because everyone there is really good. I am excited to play, it has always been a goal of mine to make it to the All Star game and I’m glad that it’s finally tomorrow” -Ivan Zepeda” Honestly it feels good to be able to play in this All Star game and I can’t believe I was chosen. I was shocked when I was told I was going to play in the game.The advice I would give to the younger class men is that it doesn’t matter what size you are. As long as you have your heart and dedication to the sport you can achieve anything. I play center and guard. We practice everyday and we practice hard. It feels good to play with other players from other schools because we become friends. Yes, I’m excited to play against the North All Star team” -Erick Santillan“To be selected is awesome. And yes I was surprised to be chosen on the All Star team because I would have never thought I’d be in this position. It’s another chance to play football and represent our school. It’s fun and I’m excited for the game. My advice for the younger class men is to always give 100%. As well as the sacrifices you make, it pays off. Sometimes it would be like that facts. I am the defensive nose guard/inside tackle on defense. Yes we practice everyday and it’s been about a week. It’s competitive to play among different schools but in the end we come together to play one big game. In the end the result is about being one team. I’m super exited, to play one last game it’s amazing and I’m glad I have the opportunity to do so” -Juan Guzman“It feels good to be part of the All Star team because since I was a freshman I seen the seniors playing in the All Star games. I always wanted to represent pv in the all star games as a senior. I was not surprised I got selected I was exited because this was my goal, to play in the all star game. My advise to the younger class right now would to not be scared and go hard all the time. We had our first practice on Saturday. We have been practicing daily and we will until Saturday the day of our game. I play sting Safety. It’s a lot of fun practicing with other players from other schools. We are always rivals on the field and it’s cool to come together and play as one team. I’m very exited for the game tomorrow !” -Junior Hoobery” It feels like an honor and a privilege to play in the All Star football game. Not everyone gets to do it and being able to experience this last game with a few of your team mates selected from our school. Playing with other players and created a bond out there is fun. All I could tell the younger players is that they are going to experience the same thing. All you have to do is put all your effort in the field no matter what. Even if your team is loosing you have to show the effort that you want to win. I am excited for the game we are going to get this for real” -Jonathan Salazar“It felt amazing being selected and to represent Pv. And yes I was really surprised and I’m thankful to get to play with the best in the area. My advice for the younger classes is to work your hardest and leave everything you do every Friday night. I play quarterback. Yes, we’ve been practicing since last Saturday and it’s been a whole week. It’s cool practicing with kids from different schools because you get to build a friendship that will last forever. Yes I’m excited for tomorrow and the South is going to take the dub” -Mathew Garcia
My name is Elizabeth Morales and I'm a Senior here at Pioneer Valley High School. I'm the Copy Editor and Clubs Editor for the Panther Tales which has...