
Three Seasons in Three Months

Athletes in Action

May 27, 2021

The Pioneer Valley athletes had an unusual “season” to say the least. Every high school sport competed this Spring. With football in April and basketball players wearing masks on the court, anything could be expected. Most of the sports teams only had a three game seasons. We are very proud of the dedication and enthusiasm that our Panthers have shown during this difficult time. Although they were tired, they never quit.  Additionally, there were many student athletes, who participate in multiple sports, having several games a week for different sports. From a student’s perspective this looks like shooting three pointers on Thursday night, hiking a football on Friday night and pitching for the baseball team on Saturday afternoon. Dizzy yet? Of course, some students loved the run around while others did not. Never in the history of high school athletics have all of the sports been crammed into the last three two months of school. It was a wild ride. If you missed some of the games or if you were not allowed entry, please enjoy these highlights.